동네 맛집 정복, 삼송역#2 GOHYANG SON KALGUKSU 고향 손칼국수
Famous Samsong local noodle place 삼송역맛집
퇴근 후 삼송역에서 집에 갈 마을버스를 기다리고 있으면 정신을 혼미하게 하는 맛있는 냄새가 난다. 대체 이건 뭘까 싶어 알아보니 아주 유명한 삼송역 칼국수집 냄새!!!
아부지를 꼬셔서 일요일에 먹으러 갔더니 일요일이 정기휴일이었다ㅠ 한참을 기회를 엿보가가 드디어 먹어보게 됬다!
When i wait for a bus to home at Samsong station after work, there is always crazy delicious smell from somewhere. I have been wondering where it comes from. I found the answer finally! Its very famous korea noodle, Kalguksu place at Samsong station. I took my father to try on Sunday before, but they dont open the restaurant on Sundays. So sad!
This place is located right in front of bus stop exit no. 5. Its really hard to stand the smell at dinner time... Its killing me!
Its not that big fancy place. Its about 6 bucks but it seems a bit expensive or not...
손칼국수라는 이름답게 아저씨께서 정말로 밀가루 반죽을 밀어서 썰고 계셨다. 아주머니는 칼국수를 끓이시고. 저녁 7시가 지나자 점점 사람들이 방문하기 시작했다. 조금만 늦었어도 못 앉을뻔!
The owner was kneading and chopping up the dough. And his wife was boiling soup. After 7pm, people were coming in more and more.
While we were chatting, the noodle was ready soon. It was quite a lot and soup was very rich and delicious.
칼국수에 정말 중요한 김치도 맛있었다.
Kimchi is very important and it didnt dissapoint us.
칼칼한 것을 좋아하는 사람들을 위해 테이블마다 비치되어 있다.
If you want to add seasoning, its all prepared on the table.
맛있어서 후루룩 후루룩 금방 다 먹었다.
같이 간 친구도 맛있다며 다음번에 또 올 것 같다고 ㅋㅋ
It was delicious just as we expected from the awesome smell. We ate really quickly. My friend said she might come back here alone one the way home.
퇴근길에 들러서 혼자 먹고가시는 분들도 많고. 이런 지역맛집 너무 좋다! 더 많아지면 좋겠다. 예전에는 배달이랑 포장도 됬었다고 하는데 이제는 먹고가는 것만 가능하다고 한다.
There were lots of people who visited this place alone and had light dinner on the way home after work. I like this kind of good local place so much. Delivery and make it to go are not available any more, just for your information.
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