#치킨 #매운치킨 #일산 #라페스타 #치맥
#chicken #spicy chicken #ilsan #lafesta #chi-mac #chicken and beer
#chicken #spicy chicken #ilsan #lafesta #chi-mac #chicken and beer
오랜만에 친구들이랑 만났다. 스트레스가 이빠이 쌓여 치맥이 너무너무너무 먹고싶었던 우리ㅠㅠ. 라페스타 주변 치킨집을 검색해서 방문한 블랙래빗!
i met by besties. We had been stressed out so much, so eager to eat chicken.
So we searched for chicken place and visited Black Rabbit.
i met by besties. We had been stressed out so much, so eager to eat chicken.
So we searched for chicken place and visited Black Rabbit.
넓직하고 인테리어도 잘 되있고, 이른 시간이라 많이 붐비지 않아서 좋았다.
Place is quite big and well decorated. Due to early time, it was not crowded.
날씨가 좋아서 창가에 편한 의자가 있는 자리로 착석! 빈속이라 매운치킨과 후라이드 반반으로 주문. 사이드로 오징어튀김을 시켰다.
We had seats at terrace for view and nice wind. Considering empty stomach, we ordered half and half chicken. And added fried squid side.
주문과 동시에 나오는 고구마스낵!
오도독 오도독 씹으면서 수다를 떨다가 결국 못참고 맥주먼저 주세요!! ㅋㅋㅋ
Sweet potato snack! offered for free once order is submitted.
we ordered beer first right away while talking.
we ordered beer first right away while talking.
후라이드 & 양념 반반치킨 + 감자튀김, 샐러드, 통오징어튀김 추가 세트!
half fried and half spicy seasoning chicken, french fries, salad, fried squid set!!
치킨을 위한 두가지 소스와 오징어를 위한 마요소스가 나왔다. 오징어도 질시지 않고 바싹한 튀김옷과 소스가 잘 어울린다. 맥주를 부르는 맛!!
Two sauces for chicken and mayo sauce for squid. Squid was not chewy at all and quite crispy squid went along with sauce. attracted beer!
매운양념치킨은 매콤하게 맛있고 후라이드도 먹을만 했다. 소스가 꿀소스 같기도 하고 독특해서 이것저것 찍어 먹어보기고 하고 매운거 먹었다가 후라이드 먹었다가. 수다 떨면서 즐겁게 먹었다. 체인점이 싫다면, 치킨만 말고 다른 것도 함께 곁들이고 싶다면 좋은 선택일듯!
Spicy half was delicious and fried half was good too. One of the sauce seemed honey and quite unique. Had quite a lot of choices for beer and chatting. Had a such a good time. If you want to try non-franchise place, this can be a good choice, i think.
We all felt much better, after nice food and talking. Great healing time!
Spicy half was delicious and fried half was good too. One of the sauce seemed honey and quite unique. Had quite a lot of choices for beer and chatting. Had a such a good time. If you want to try non-franchise place, this can be a good choice, i think.
We all felt much better, after nice food and talking. Great healing time!
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