Emma's diary. Mostly Korean food and traveling stories

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Chicken franchise, famous for shrimp chicken

치킨매니아는 그룹 신화가 시작한 치킨 브랜드로 처음 이름을 알렸다. 유명해진건 새우치킨 덕분이었다. 아쉽게도 아직은 먹어보지 못했다. 
홍제역에도 치킨매니아가 있는데 장사가 굉장히 잘 된다. 나도 가끔 들르러 치킨한마리 하곤 한다. 매운걸 좋아해서 청양불고추치킨을 시켰었는데 매콤한데다 떡도 들고. 완전 내스타일! 한번 먹어보고 갈때마다 계속 시켜먹는다. 

Chicken Mania was well known for the ceo who is former idol singer. And it became famous thanks to shrimp chicken hit menu, which i havent tried yet. 
There is Chicken Mania at Hongje station as well and it seems quite successful. I visited once a while. Their spicy chicken was really delicious and it was just my style. So i always had that menu. 

청양불고추치킨 오리지날1마리
One Cheongyang Bul Gochu chicken 
Salad & snack & pickled radish

쫄깃쫄깃한 떡이 아주 잘 어울린다.
전보다 훨씬 더 매워진 것 같다. 다음날 화장실 가는 일이 무서워졌다... 
Chewy rice cake goes well with the spicy chicken. It seemed much more spicy than before. I got afraid to go to the restroom the next day...

핫치즈볼&포테이토 Hot cheese ball & potato
매운맛을 중화시키고자 시킨 메뉴 
아 정말 이런식으로 나올줄이야.. 치즈볼은 딱 4개 들었다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 돈아깝다 이럴줄 알았으면 차라리 후라이드 반마리를 더 시킬걸. 다음번엔 안먹는걸로. 

The chicken was too spicy than our expectation, so i ordered this one. So dissapointing volume. Customers are smart enough to know how much this is going to cost to serve wether its worth my money or not. I think people, owners often ignore that. I waisted money. If i had known, i would have never ordered it. 

다음번엔 새우치킨 먹어봐야지! 청양불고추치킨을 안먹긴 아쉽지만...

Next time i will try shrimp chicken. 

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