In korea, a new customer group appears, which is kidult! It is adult + kid. It is new terminology for adult who shows kid's consumption tendency but has financial means unlike kids. They like to spend money on toys and foods. And they dont hesitate to spend money for themselves, which is quite different from the old generation's consumption pattern. The life value has been changed.
The biggest hit item for this kidult these days is nano block! Real kids cant do it.. The block itself is so small and hard to fit in the blocks. Most of the nano blocks are animation heros! The small blocks are so cute!
This is my friend's collection. She sent me these two pictures lol.
Actually this nano block originally starts from Lego. But not many people enjoyed at first since they are quite expensive considering the small size. More than 10 bucks. Then suddenly other companies produce imitators at half price. And it become big boom in korea.
And here is my sister's collection.
I really tried not to start...
I tried!
And here i am...
When i saw the cartoon character "Hobbang Man", which was my nickname back in the days.... Couldnt help myself lol
So much fun!!! And cute outcome!!
And you dont have to think anything else while you are assembling the pieces.
I just hope i dont order these blocks online.. Please stop me!
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