Emma's diary. Mostly Korean food and traveling stories

Saturday, October 17, 2015

ALLADIN second hand bookstore

online bookstore
and start second hand bookstore boom in korea

Everytime i visit Jungbalsan station, i always drop by Alladin second hand bookstore Jungbalsan branch. I dont look for specific books. Just walking through and enjoy treasure hunting. I think that is the true joy of second hand bookstore!

It has second floors. Upstairs, the children books and foreign books are shelved. So i always go upstairs first. Depending on the branches, i mean location, the books they have are very different. Jungbalsan area has lots of young new married couples and little kids. So Jungbalsan branch has children books more. Jongro and Daehakro branches have study books more. 

This is always my first stop, foreign books and readers. I am like treasure hunter!

I started to read Harry Porter in english and stuck at second one. No time for reading... So sad 

Here, i can have more fun, finding hidden treasure and the affordable price doubles up the joy. 

Ah,,, yeah,,, Have to confess... Yes i am a bibliomania!! Cant stop myself! Thats why i keep coming back here...

I will share my collection later ;))  

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