JOONGHWAWON famous Jjambbong place at Bulgwang station
수요미식회 짬뽕 맛집 불광 "중화원"
십년이나 살았던 동네에 티비에도 방송될 정도로 유명하고 맛있는 곳이 있었다니.. 그걸 이사을 하고 나서야 알다니..
방송 후에 가보니 문을 닫았는지 아님 일찍 끝났는지 7시즈음에 문이 닫혀있었다. 그 후 몇달 뒤 다시 시도! 이번엔 헛걸음을 예방하기 위해서 전화해보고 방문. 곧 마감이라고해서 부랴부랴 갔다.
I had lived at Bulgwang area for 10 years but didnt know this place back then... So sad!!! This place was broadcasted at the famous television show introducing great restaurants. This place got much more fame after that, so they start to close restaurant early due to lack of ingredients. After several months we tried again and this time we made sure they were still open with phone call.
문 앞에 번호와 인원수를 써 놓고 대기하면 된다. 테이블 회전은 꽤 빠른편이었다. 앞에 여섯팀정도가 있었는데 금방 들어갔다.
On the boader in front of the restaurant, we write down number and name and number of guests. When it comes to your turn, a clerk will call your name out loud. We had five teams ahead but we went in quite quickly.
메뉴! Menu
탕수육 사이즈가 없다. 그걸 모르고 시켰는데... ㅋㅋㅋ 많았다
We didnt know there is only one size of Tangsuyuk, sweet and sour pork. It was huge..
짜짱, 짬뽕 곱배기에 탕수육 하나 주문.
여자둘에 남자 하나라 모자를까봐 곱배기로.
We ordered one Jjajang and one Jjambbong. Just in case its not enough for us, we asked double, "Gobbbaegii".
자장은 맛있었지만 간이 너무 쎄서 좀 짰다. 그게 가장 아쉬웠다.
Noodle was very thin and quite salty, though it was delicious.
굉장히 특이했다. 보통의 짬뽕과는 다른 맛이었다. 조금 더 매콤했더라면 훨씬 맛있었을 것 같다. 표고향이 나면서 진한 국물 맛을 느낄 수가 있다.
This was quite different from the normal Jjambbong. We could taste mushroom flavor, and soup was rich. I thought it would be much better if its a bit spicier.
Very crisp and the sauce was really sweet. It was delicious. But they should have smaller size...
전체적으로 맛있는데 간이 너무 셌다.
사실 이곳은 짬뽕보다는 누룽지탕이 더 유명하다고 한다. 주변 테이블에서 누룽지탕을 많이 주문했는데 아우 비주얼과 사운드가 일품이다. 다음번에 와서 누룽지탕을 꼭 시켜먹어봐야겠다!!
Lol we were greedy. We ordered too much. Overall, the food was delicious but due to quite strong seasoning it tasted salty. Maybe its because we went right before closing. Next time i really want to try Nurungji tang, crust of overcooked rice stew. This place is much more well known for this Nurungji Tang than Jjambbong. I saw it from next table. The visial and sound was great man. I already choose menu for the next time!
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