kimchi stew at Bangsan market 방산시장 김치찌개
전직원 점심을 하러 갔다. 방산시장에 있는 김치찌개집이라고 하는데 아는 사람은 다 아는 유명한 집이라고. 너무 배고프기도 해서 기대가 컸다.
All of sudden, whole office headed out to have all staff lunch. We went to Bangsan market for kimchi stew, which is one of the most common menu Korean people enjoy. A few people already knew this place and they said its quite famous. I was super hungry and quite excited to try new place.
kimchi stew at Bangsan market 방산시장 김치찌개
전직원 점심을 하러 갔다. 방산시장에 있는 김치찌개집이라고 하는데 아는 사람은 다 아는 유명한 집이라고. 너무 배고프기도 해서 기대가 컸다.
All of sudden, whole office headed out to have all staff lunch. We went to Bangsan market for kimchi stew, which is one of the most common menu Korean people enjoy. A few people already knew this place and they said its quite famous. I was super hungry and quite excited to try new place.
방산시장 입구. 간만에 햇볕을 보는 것 같아 기분이 좋았다 :))
Entrance of Bangsan market. Good to have sunshine during the day.
Entrance of Bangsan market. Good to have sunshine during the day.
시장 안쪽 좁은 골목으로 들어와 보면 호림정 간판이 보인다. 점심 예약을 하지 못해서 조금 기다려야했고 두세그룹으로 나눠서 앉아야했다. 그래도 테이블 회전은 빠른듯 했다.
Its located in narrow alley. Horimjung is it!
Its located in narrow alley. Horimjung is it!
Well we didnt have time to book for lunch table since it was sudden decision. So we had to wait for quite a bit and split up like two or three groups.
가격 대박!!! 요즘 물가가 너무 비싼데 특히 음식, 음식점 가격이 어마어마하다ㅠ 내 카드값의 대부분도 음식값...얼마 전만해도 흔하던 이런 가격대가 점점 찾기가 어렵다. 맛도 있고 가격도 착한 곳을 알게되어 좋다!! 한가지 아쉬운 점은 최소 이인분 주문해야 한다. 뭐,, 혼자 먹으러 올 일은 별로 없을 것 같지만,,
Its really really affordable price!! I was surprised. These days, prices in Korea are quite high, day by day, month by month. Especially, overall food and restaurants. This price range was common couple of years ago but not anymore. Only sad thing is you should order at least for 2 persons.
Its really really affordable price!! I was surprised. These days, prices in Korea are quite high, day by day, month by month. Especially, overall food and restaurants. This price range was common couple of years ago but not anymore. Only sad thing is you should order at least for 2 persons.
아주머니께서 다 김치찌개를 시키지 말고 김치찌개 둘, 쌈밥 둘을 해서 이것저것 먹어보라고 하셨다. 역시 언제나 옳아. 김치찌개만 시켰으면 무지 아쉬웠을뻔!!
The clerk recommended 2 kimchi stew and 2 ssambab for one table so that we can enjoy diverse delicious food. And she was right. We were all satisfied with her recommendation.
안에 고기도 많이 들었다ㅋㅋㅋ아주 흡족.
일단 끓기 시작하면 국수면사리부터 넣어서 먹는다!
Has lots of tofu and pork inside not only kimchi. Once it started boiling, we put noodle first that was served.
Ssambab mean rice wrapped in greens. Usually served meat and lots of green vegetable to wrap. Healthy way to eat meat with lots of veges.
마무리 보리밥까지 매우 훌륭! 맛있게 먹어 배도 부르고 가격은 더 훌륭하고 꼭 다시 오고픈 곳! 왜그리 사람이 많은지 이해가 갔다. 이런 곳이 많아지면 좋겠다 :))
Boiled barley rice. So full and delicious and very nice price! Can understand that many people in the restaurant. Definitely visit again!
Boiled barley rice. So full and delicious and very nice price! Can understand that many people in the restaurant. Definitely visit again!
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